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Is your office staff overwhelmed by patients complaining of head, neck or jaw pain but don’t know where to direct them? 

As a trusted professional who cares about your patients / clients, you know muscular pain and lack of stabilization can impact your patients’ dental procedures and outcomes (or give headaches), but you or your staff simply don’t have the time to address these muscular concerns. 

Now there's a safe, reversible and cost-effective way to serve your patients suffering from cranio-facial pain without burdening you or your staff. 

I developed two courses after working as a licensed structural massage therapist for over 20 years. 

As a trusted partner in relieving muscular pain, I created this step-by step video course to show people how to relieve head, neck and jaw pain by incorporating my knowledge of treating headaches and TMD using trigger point therapy and myofascial release. After the muscles are relaxed, I teach the learner how to stabilize the joints safely, then proper oral rest posture to maintain an open airway, lastly bad habits to correct.

Helpful for doctors and dental professionals

Doctors, dental teams, myofunctional therapists, ENTs and speech language pathologists refer their patients to learn with me. Having a trusted partner to address muscular and joint tissue issues helps you get better dental results, better patient care and more referrals.

  • You’ll have a trusted partner in addressing patient muscle pain and imbalance that supports your treatment plans

  • Increase patient retention and referrals

  • Improve patient compliance using oral appliances

  • Prehab or rehab the jaw complex for better outcomes with dental procedures

  • Saves office time since patient has basic shared vocabulary, self observations, and a reduction of symptoms


Licensed Massage Therapist

Katie Pudhorodsky

I'm the massage therapist who treats and educates the public on head, neck & jaw pain (TMD). The dental and myofunctional community refer to me to address soft tissue pain and dysfunction of the craniofacial area. Since licensure in 2002 I’ve assisted at a massage therapy school and continuing education program both teaching neuromuscular therapy. My training in this field even included a physical therapy level class for TMD. I've been a public speaker at dental conferences and conferences for the layperson experiencing pain and dysfunction. Follow me on Instagram @help_head_pain TX LMT #104926

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She did what my ENT couldn't!

I didn’t think massage could address the long history of ear issues and head pain I’ve had since I was a kid. She did what my ENT couldn’t! I saw Katie because I had shooting headache pain that wouldn’t go away. She found a tight neck muscle that was sending pain into my face and ears. She taught me how to stretch the muscle and stabilize my upper neck, both of which reduced my pain.

Sarah R
Blonde lady who got ear pain relief